Serra Verde promotes awareness initiatives for Carnival.

These actions encompass both employees and the community in Minaçu, Goiás, alongside a campaign aimed at promoting defensive driving among drivers in neighboring communities. As the representative of Mineração Serra Verde, our mascot Serrinha is delivering essential guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable carnival experience for everyone. Below are the recommendations from the Serrinha […]

White January: Leadership and Team Mental Health

Throughout January, a month dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, we reflected on the significance of leadership for the mental well-being of our team. We understand how promoting wellness directly influences team performance. Together, we are fostering an organizational culture grounded in respect, empathy, and collaboration.

We are green – Taking care of the springs

In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals, Mineração Serra Verde, through its Ser Natureza project, in collaboration with the Public Ministry of Goiás, the Environmental Secretariat of Minaçu and Engie Brasil Energy, reaffirms its commitment to preserve our water resources. Initiatives such as planting saplings, enclosing and restoring springs, and promoting mindful consumption, […]

Serra Verde Enters Commercial Production 

Serra Verde (the “Company”), is pleased to announce that it has commenced commercial production of Mixed Rare Earth Concentrate (“MREC”) from Phase I of its Pela Ema deposit in Minaçu, Goiás State, Brazil. Once it has ramped up to full production, Serra Verde is expected to produce at least 5,000 tonnes per year of rare […]

Serra Verde promotes internal and external initiaves for prostate cancer prevention

Mineração Serra Verde and its employees were engaged in the Blue November campaign, promoting awareness among men about the importance of self-care and prostate cancer prevention. We conducted online lectures, in-person discussions, preventive exams, and traceability, in addition to providing medical care with specialist Dr. Victor Barboza – Urologist, directly at the company for our […]

Mineração Serra Verde’s Solidarity Christmas Campaign

We conclude our Christmas Campaign with hearts full of gratitude! Our employees rallied in support of the elderly and children, bringing joy and love to Mineração Serra Verde’s end-of-year activities. The Elderly Home, Apae, and Jovino Seabra School in Minaçu also received visits from Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus who engaged in games, distributed sweets […]

Serra Verde Receives Final Operating Licence

Serra Verde site December 2023

22 December 2023: Serra Verde (the “Company”), which is developing an integrated rare earth element (“REE”) mining and processing operation in Brazil to produce Mixed Rare Earth Concentrate (MREC), is pleased to announce it has been awarded an environmental operating licence (“Licenca Operacional” or “LO”)  by the Goiás State Secretariat for Environment and Sustainable Development […]

Mineração Serra Verde trains Environmental Education multipliers within and outside the company.

The 2023 cycle of Environmental Education Multipliers Training was successfully completed! We conducted training for both the external audience, in partnership with state and municipal schools, and for our employees and outsourced workers. Using creative methodologies, we ensured a playful approach, bringing environmental awareness to classrooms and our workspaces. In addition to discussing the environment […]

Mineração Serra Verde participates in the construction of Goiás Mineral Policy

We participated in Minera Go, an event held on December 12th and 13th in Goiânia, which brought together authorities, the productive sector, academia, and society. We attended with a booth and contributed to the discussion on the central theme “Building the Mineral Policy of Goias”. Our Executive Vice President, Luciano Borges Freitas, was one of […]